H. P. Barker
William E. Blackstone
F. C. Blount
J. B. Buffington
A. P. Cecil
Lewis S. Chafer
- The Angels
- Assurance of Salvation
- The Bible: the Word of God, Inspired of God...
- The Church Which Is His Body
- Crowns of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Eternal Security of the Believer
- The Eternal State of the Redeemed
- The Filling of the Spirit, or True
- God the Holy Spirit: His Personality, Advent, Anointing, Ministry, Baptism
- God the Son: His Pre-existence, Incarnation, Subsitutionary Death...
- God's Estimate of the Lost
- Grace: the Theme
- "Grieve not the Spirit"
- He That Is Spiritual HTML eBook
- The Lord's Day...
- The Ministries of the Spirit
- The One Condition of Salvation
- Prayer
- "Quench not the Spirit"
- Rewards, or the Place of Christian
- The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus
- The Sabbath
- Satan: His Personality and Power
- Satan: His Work and Destiny
- Stewardship
- Thanksgiving
- Three Classes of Men
- True Evangelism, or the Winning Souls by Prayer HTML eBook
- "Walk in the Spirit"
James Chalmers
J. Wilbur Chapman
David Cloud
Rex Cobb
Charles C. Cook
Dennis Costella
Matt Costella
George Cutting
M. R. DeHaan
Philip Doddridge
William Evans
Thomas Fittis
Richard Flanders
Inglis Fleming
Gary L. Freeman
Paul L. Freeman
Paul D. Friederichsen
Arno C. Gaebelein
Alfred P. Gibbs
James M. Gray
Samuel Green
Oliver B. Greene
I. M. Haldeman
Frances R. Havergal
Frank B. Hole
Franklin G. Huling
Mark Huss
H. A. Ironside
Don Jasmin
Adoniram Judson
Tim Knutson
Bruce Lackey
Robert Murray McCheyne
James H. McConkey
John A. McConnelee
C. H. Mackintosh
John B. Marchbanks
J. T. Mawson
Dwight L. Moody
George Müller
William W. Orr
Hy. Pickering
A. T. Pierson
Algernon J. Pollock
Marion H. Reynolds, Jr.
John R. Rice
Samuel Ridout
John Ritchie
Perry Rockwood
Stephen Ross
J. C. Ryle
C. I. Scofield
Shelton Smith
Charles H. Spurgeon
C. T. Studd
Hudson Taylor
R. A. Torrey
Al Troester
Charles G. Trumbull
Reginald Wallis
D. W. Whittle
Ronald E. Williams
Walter L. Wilson
W. T. P. Wolston
N. A. Woychuk