"Yes," answered Mr. Levermore, "that is quite true, but you must remember, sister, that the Holy Spirit knows where the needle is, and He will direct me to it." The leading of the Holy Spirit in daily life and service is one of the most precious experiences that a Christian may enjoy. It is probably a strange experience to many, for oftentimes the people of God do not realize the precious privilege granted them of relying upon the guidance of the Spirit in finding troubled hearts to whom He would have them speak. That word of our Lord in John 12:26—"And where I am, there shall also my servant be"—is brought about through the yielded Christian who is led by the Spirit to that heart in which Christ is working. These incidents which occurred in the life of the writer are related in the hope that many Christian workers may be inspired to take advantage of the gracious work of the Holy Spirit in soul winning, and that they will learn to depend upon Him to find troubled hearts and give wisdom in dealing with then. —Walter Lewis Wilson, Kansas City, Missouri |
Contents PDF |
The Little Man in a Big City |
The Spirit Used a Sewed Finger |
Peg Leg Tom Heard the Spirit's Call |
The Spirit Kept Sandy from Finding Peace |
Lillian Was Miserable on the Stage |
The Candlestick Was Not in the Ark |
Two Words Did the Work |
The Ticket Did Not Arrive on Time |
The Wrong Address, But the Right Persons |
The Spirit Found the Runaway Boy |
Missed the Train, But Caught a Soul |
The Senior and His Sweetheart |
An Italian and His Crucifix |
The Loss and Gain of a Jeweler |
Darkness in Philadelphia and Light in India |
The Intern Was Surprised |
The Spirit Worked at Midnight |
Not Quite Twins |
The Garage Man Got Repaired |
Esther's Experience in the Basement |
Lost on Mount Wilson |