Marching On (The Banner of the Cross) |
There's a royal banner given for display To the soldiers of the King; As an ensign fair we lift it up to-day, While as ransomed ones we sing. Refrain: Though the foe may rage and gather as the flood, Over land and sea, wherever man may dwell, When the glory dawns—'tis drawing very near— |
Blessed Hope |
Blessed hope that in Jesus is given, In our sorrow to cheer and sustain, That soon in the mansions of Heaven, We shall meet with our loved ones again. Blessed hope in the word God has spoken, Blessed hope! how it shines in our sorrow, Blessed hope! the bright star of the morning, |
Christ Liveth in Me |
As lives the flower within the seed, As in the cone the tree, So, praise the God of truth and grace, His Spirit dwelleth in me. Refrain: Once far from God and dead in sin, As rays of light from yonder sun With longing all my heart is filled, |
Moment by Moment |
Dying with Jesus, His death reckoned mine; Living with Jesus, a new life divine; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine, Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. Refrain: Never a trial that He is not there, Never a heartache, and never a groan, Never a weakness that He doth not feel, Never a battle with wrong for the right, |
I Will Pass Over You |
When God the way of life would teach, And gather all His own, He placed them safe beyond the reach Of death, by blood alone. Refrain: By Christ, the sinless Lamb of God, O soul, for thee salvation thus The wrath of God that was our due, How calm the judgment hour shall pass |
I Know Whom I Have Believed |
I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known, Nor why—unworthy—Christ in love Redeemed me for His own. Refrain: I know not how this saving faith I know not how the Spirit moves, I know not what of good or ill I know not when my Lord may come, |
Let Us Go Forth |
The call of God is sounding clear, O Christian, let it reach thine ear; Endeavor now of souls to bring A band, to love and serve the King. Let us go forth, as called of God, The Christ of God to glorify, |
Jesus Is Coming |
Jesus is coming! sing the glad word! Coming for those He redeemed by His blood; Coming to reign as the glorified Lord! Jesus is coming again! Jesus is coming! the dead shall arise, Jesus is coming! His saints to release; Jesus is coming! the promise is true; |
Jesus of Nazareth |
"Jesus of Nazareth!" O what a name! Let us rejoice and His glory proclaim; Savior and Keeper forever the same, Shepherd, Redeemer and Lord. Refrain: Jesus of Nazareth! truly a man, Jesus of Nazareth! nailed to the tree, Jesus of Nazareth! raised from the dead, Jesus of Nazareth! seated on high, Jesus of Nazareth! earth's coming King, |
Showers of Blessing |
"There shall be showers of blessing:" This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Refrain: "There shall be showers of blessing," "There shall be showers of blessing;" "There shall be showers of blessing:" |
Not My Own |
"Not my own!" but saved by Jesus, Who redeemed me by His blood, Gladly I accept the message, I belong to Christ the Lord. Refrain: "Not my own!" to Christ, my Saviour, "Not my own!" my time, my talent, "Not my own!" the Lord accepts me, |
Neither Do I Condemn Thee |
"Neither do I condemn thee,"— O words of wondrous grace; Thy sins were born upon the cross, Believe, and go in peace Refrain: "Neither do I condemn thee,"— "Neither do I condemn thee,"— "Neither do I condemn thee,"— |
Redemption Ground |
Come sing, my soul, and praise the Lord, Who hath redeemed thee by His blood; Delivered thee from chains that bound, And bro't thee to redemption ground. Refrain: Once from my God I wandered far, O joyous hour when God to me No works of merit now I plead, Come, weary soul, and here find rest; |
Thou Remainest |
"Thou remainest," Blest Redeemer, Lord of peace and Lord of strife, Jesus, Saviour, Lord forever, "Thou remainest," Christ my life. Refrain: Satisfying every longing, Earthly joys may some be fading, One by one my loved ones leave me, When from earth, Thou, Lord, shalt call me, |
Sin No More |
Sin no more! thy soul is free Christ has died to ransom thee; Now the power of sin is o'er, Jesus bids thee "sin no more." Sin no more! but closely keep Sin no more! His blood hath bought, |
The Sons of God |
Sons of God, beloved in Jesus! O the wondrous word of grace; In His Son the Father sees us, And as sons He gives us place. Blessèd hope now brightly beaming, By the power of grace transforming, |
Two Gates, Two Ways |
Two gates, two ways, two paths for all, And all therein must go; Each soul on earth is making choice Of life, or endless woe. An open gate, a broadened way, A straightened gate, a narrow way, |
All We Like Sheep |
When my heart with sin was burdened, And I wandered far from God, What a light shone in my darkness, By the entrance of His word. How could I so vile and sinful, Now my heart is free from burden, |
Saved to Serve |
Going forth at Christ's command, Going forth to every land; Full salvation making known, Thro' the blood of God's dear Son. Serving God through all our days, Seeking only souls to win, "Saved to serve!" the watchword ring, |
A Little While |
\"A Little while!" and He shall come; The hour draws on apace, The blessed hour, the glorious morn, When we shall see His face: How light the trials then will seem! How short our pilgrim way! Our life on earth a fitful dream, Dispelled by dawning day! "A little while!" with patience, Lord, Yet peace, my heart! and hush, my tongue! Then come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, |
To Live is Christ |
To live is Christ; henceforth for me My own desire, His face to see; Morn, noon and night, before His throne, He fills my heart with joy alone. To live is Christ, He died for me, Where'er I go may Christ be seen, From where He is, in glory There, |
The Calling of God |
Called out of darkness, and called into light; Given for blindness a glorious sight; Called out of bondage, and called to be free, Children of holiness ever to be. Called from the old life, and called to the new, Called from the guilty, and called into peace, |
Look Unto Me |
"Look unto me, and be ye saved," O hear the blest command, Salvation full! salvation free! Proclaim through every land. "Look unto me," upon the cross, "Look unto me," thy risen Lord, "Look unto me," and not within |
The Precious Blood |
The precious blood of Jesus shows God's wondrous love to me; That love in fulness ever flows When Jesus' blood I see. The precious blood of Jesus shows The precious blood of Jesus shows The precious blood of Jesus shows |
My Anchor Holds |
The storm is high, but at the helm My Lord is in command; No swelling sea, nor tempest fierce, Can pluck me from His hand. The winds and waves obey the will Though darkness dread is on the deep, The sun in splendor o'er the sea My anchor holds! O praise the Lord, |