Wholesome Words 
Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use — Copyright Notice

Begun in 1996, the purpose of the Wholesome Words website is to honor and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to proclaim God's Word and good news of salvation through faith in Christ alone, and to edify and encourage believers in their Christian life.

Copyright ©2025. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, all content of the Site, including text, images, photos, HTML/CSS code and site design is protected by United States and international copyright laws and other intellectual property laws.

You may not copy, display, distribute, modify, reproduce, publish, store, transmit, create derivative works from, or sell or license all or any part of the Content of this website in any medium (including digital) to anyone, except as otherwise permitted under applicable law, or described in these Terms and Conditions, or with written permission from Wholesome Words.

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Except as expressly prohibited above, you may view, print and download Content of the Site for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided that you keep intact all copyright, author credits and header and footer information.

You may copy and distribute multiple copies of the Content of this Site in print format if
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2) you do not modify the Content;
3) you do not copy or distribute graphics apart from the accompanying Content;
4) you give proper credit to the original author/creator;
5) you include with the Content the copyright notice:
Copyright 2025 WholesomeWords.org

B. Use of Content in Electronic Format (including on another website)
No Content may be used on another website or in other electronic format such as CD/DVD without written permission from Wholesome Words.

Permission to use any Content of Wholesome Words on another website will be considered on an item by item basis if
1) you agree to use it for non-commercial, not-for-profit, personal or educational purposes;
2) you agree not to modify the Content;
3) you give proper credit to the original author/creator;
4) you include with the Content the following notice with an active URL link to Wholesome Words: Copied from WholesomeWords.org

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No Content may be translated into another language for use in print or electronic formats without written permission from Wholesome Words.

Permission Requests
contact to request permission to use Content of WholesomeWords.org

Linking to WholesomeWords.org
Links from other websites to the Wholesome Words website are welcome and do not require permission if the link opens to a full, non-framed browser window.

Hyperlinks from Wholesome Words to other websites or resources are provided for your convenience. Wholesome Words is not responsible for the availability of external sites or resources linked to from this Site, and does not endorse and is not responsible for the content available on the websites linked to. All documents and resources linked to were deemed profitable for your edification and enjoyment at the time they were initially read and reviewed. However, the Bible, God's Word, must be the standard and final authority, and you are exhorted to use discernment and to "prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

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©1996-2025 WholesomeWords.org
"...to the glory of God."