Wholesome Words 
Christian Home

The Christian Home and Child Training Resources

by Stephen Ross

Marriage and the home are divine institutions. "Children are an heritage of the LORD" Psalm 127:3a. The Bible teaches Christian parents to "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6; and specifically says to fathers: "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4.

Having a Christian home and training children in a way that is pleasing to God, and seeing each child personally receive Jesus Christ and grow to love and serve Him, requires commitment and diligence, along with trust and dependence on the Lord by each parent. May we be strong in the Lord as we accept our God-given responsibility to have a Christian home and to train our children!

The following resources provide biblical instruction for Christian parents who seek to have a Christian home and train their children for the glory of God.

• The Christian Home by R. K. Campbell. Rev. ed. Beamsville, Ontario, Canada: Believer's Bookshelf Canada, Inc., 2008. 81 pages.

Contents: Its Importance, Divine Provision and Characteristics—Marriage, the Basis of the Home—Husband and Wife—The Family and Its Head—Fathers(1)—Fathers(2)—Fathers(3)—Mothers—Servants and Masters—The Home for God.

Balanced, comprehensive and helpful.

• Family Fundamentals by John E. Ashbrook. Mentor, Ohio: Here I Stand Books, [197-?]. 65 pages. "Getting back to basics in a world which has lost its biblical family values."

Contents: "'Til Death Us Do Part"—Divine Order in Your Home—This Business of Submission—This Business of Loving—"Isn't He Sweet!"—Scriptural Spanking—Attention Fathers!—The Art of Admonition.

Concise, practical and helpful.

The Christian Home by Paul L. Freeman. Washington, IL: Published by Author, 2011. 31 pages. PDF

Contents include: What is a Christian Home?—How is a Christian Home Organized?—The Position and Responsibility of the Husband and Father—The Position and Responsibility of the Wife and Mother—The Rearing of Children (from infancy to grade school to high school to college)—Dating and Chaperoning—Choosing the Right Mate—The Unsaved Mate—Adultery—Divorce and Remarriage.

Concise and practical.

Thou and Thy House, or The Christian at Home by C. H. Mackintosh. New ed., rev. New York: Loizeaux Brothers, Bible Truth Depot, [188-]. PDF

Contains valuable lessons for today and gives scriptural guidance for training children for the Lord. A help for both Christian parents and teachers. Not only deals with family life, but also the general home life of a Christian believer.

Thought-provoking and challenging.

• Keeping the Kids by David Cloud. Port Huron, MI: Way of Life Literature, ©2010. 482 pages. "How to Keep Our Children from Falling Prey to the World."

Contents: Can We Keep Our Kids?—Priority—Conversion—The Home: Consistent Christian Living—The Home: The Husband-Wife Relationship—Child Discipline—The Church—Separation from the Pop Culture—Discipleship—The Grandparents—What if the Kids Are Already Rebellious?—Candor, God's Grace, and the Power of Prayer—Ten Tips for Daily Bible Reading—How to Lose Your Child Before His Is Five—A Checklist for "Keeping the Kids"—Suggested Publishers.

Extensive resource to help parents and churches raise children to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Child Discipline by David Cloud. Free eBook available in PDF, MOBI, ePUB. Excerpted from Keeping the Kids above, "this is an extensive and practical look at child training and discipline. It deals with such things as understanding the child's nature, teaching obedience and respect for authority, when discipline should begin, the effective use of the rod, dealing with sassing and resistance to authority, disciplining for attitude, the essential aspect of love in discipline, the necessity of consistency and persistence, the necessity of good communication, the necessity of the father and mother being in harmony, the danger of provoking children to wrath, keeping the child's heart, and discipleship."

• Rearing Spiritual Children to Serve the Saviour by Terry L. Coomer. Sherwood, AR: For the Love of the Family Ministries, ©2012. 225 pages.

Contents include: Where are the Fathers?—Not Forgetting the Children—The Inconsistent Parent—Whey Are We Failing?—How Do I Convey a Spiritual Relationship With God to My Children?—Proper Discipline of the Child—Improper Discipline of the Child—Getting the Heart of the Child—Dealing With Ungodly Anger—The Thought Life of a Christian—Dealing With Pride—How to Have a Relationship With God—How to Have a Daily Time With God—How to Deal With Hurt—What Do I Do About a Child Outside My Home Not Living for God?—What to Do Now That I Have Failed?—Twenty-two Helpful Thoughts on Rearing Children for God.

Practical, down-to-earth, instruction with emphasis on rearing spiritual children who grow up to love and serve the Lord.

• Training Your Children to Turn Out Right! by David Sorenson. Independence, MO: American Association of Christian Schools, ©1995. 197 pages. "A biblical guide for Christian parents."

Contents: Gambling is Prohibited—The Firm Foundation—The Right Way to Grow—Directing Through Discipline—Back to Basics—Separating to Success—Principles to Practice—Consistency is the Key—Fruit Inspecting—The Battle is On.

• The Christian Home by Clarence Sexton. Powell, TN: Crown Publications, ©2001. 202 pages.

Contents: Determine to Have a Christian Home—Marriage by Divine Design—Establish a Spiritual Foundation in Marriage—Calvary Love in the Christian Home—The Connection Between Home and Heaven—Adultery, More Bitter Than Death, Fathers, the Glory of Children—A Virtuous Woman—Holy Woman—What Does It Mean to Give Your Child to God?—Youth at Risk—Seizing the Golden Moments of Life—Family Evenings With God.

Emphasis on establishing a Christian home according to the principles taught in God's Word. Minimal instruction on training children.

• Biblically Handling Technology and Social Media: Applying Biblical Principles to Facebook, Texting, iPods, etc. by Biblical Discipleship Ministries, 2014. Available from the publisher, Christianbook.com and other sources.

• Correction and Discipline of Children by John R. Rice. Murfreesboro, TN: Sword of the Lord Publishers, ©1946.

• Protecting Your Child from Predators: How to Recognize and Respond to Sexual Danger by Beth Robinson and Latayne C. Scott. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, ©2019.

The Family: A Word to Parents by Gordon H. Hayhoe.

• To the Parents of My Grandchildren: Meditations on Some Parents of the Bible for Christian Parents by a Grandparent (G. C. Willis), 3rd ed., 1996. Available from BibleTruthPublishers.com and Web edition.

A Checklist for Keeping the Kids by David Cloud.

The Duties of Parents by J. C. RylePDF

God's Promise About Children by Bruce Lackey. A sermon on the admonition and promise of Proverbs 22:6.

How to Lose Your Child Before He is Five Years Old by J. B. Buffington.

• Media Choices: Convictions or Compromise? by Phillip Telfer.

Some Practical Helps in Disciplining Your Children by Al TroesterPDF

The Training of Children by A Mother.

Twenty-two Helpful Thoughts on Rearing Children for God by Terry CoomerPDF

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