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Why I Enrolled My Last Child in Christian School

by Paul L. Freeman (1931-2020). Used with permission.

Paul FreemanMy oldest child was 5 1/2 years olds when I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour in Feb. 1956. There were no Christian schools in my community, nor had I ever heard of such a thing. My first three children graduated from the public school. Along about the fourth grade, I removed my last child from public school and enrolled her in a Christian school. There was much sacrifice but also a great peace. Let me list the many reasons why I chose Christian education when it was made available. May I encourage you to choose Christian education for the same reasons.

1. My daughter would now be taught by a Christian teacher. The public school teachers who graduated from State colleges with a major in "Unbelief" and a minor in "Political Science" would no longer have access to my child's mind.

2. The Bible would be one of her textbooks. Creation and factual science would be taught rather than the anti-God myth of evolution. She would be assured that she came from the creative act of God rather than the "primordial ooze." She would learn that she is responsible to her Creator.

3. I would no longer have to return her assigned reading books to the English teacher with a request for another book which did not contain filthy language, anti-Christian philosophy, and God's name taken in vain. I would no longer have to stay up later reading her assigned books to see if they were fit for her to read.

4. I would not have to write letters to the school to have my daughter excused from Rock concerts and Sex Education classes. She will not be expected to attend Dancing classes or coed physical education. There will be no free condoms given to my daughter. Premarital sexual relations will be called fornication or adultery and Biblically explained to be sin. Homosexuality and Lesbianism will not be presented as an alternative lifestyle. Her role models will be more excellent examples.

5. She will no longer be subject to peer pressure concerning Rock music, dress standards, and social functions. The school bus education with all the gutter language will end. Her vocation guidance counselor will no longer have the opportunity to encourage her to attend secular colleges instead of Christian colleges.

6. My daughter will be taught the same things in school that she is taught at home and at church. Her fellowship will be with those of like precious faith. She will be trained up in the way she should go (Proverbs 22:6). She will be sheltered as a precious plant for God and kept separate from the lost.

7. The education in the Christian school is superior to that in the public school. The public school is turning out "functional illiterates," while the Christian school graduates students who not only know how to make a living, but also know how to live. Careers in Christian service will be encouraged rather than frowned upon.

8. The choosing of a mate is often done in high school or in college. It is imperative therefore that my child be placed in a pool of Christian young people, so that she may marry a Christian and avoid the unequal yoke which has brought grief and sorrow to many. The public school is not the place to find a companion for life. We need to control the social life of our children and choose the people they are going to mingle with.

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