Entire Bible has | 66 books 1189 chapters 31,102 verses |
Old Testament has | 39 books 929 chapters 23,145 verses |
New Testament has | 27 books 260 chapters 7957 verses |
Number of different authors | Over 40 |
First word | "In" (Genesis 1:1) |
Last word | "Amen" (Revelation 22:21) |
Longest word (and name) | Mahershallalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3) |
Shortest verse | "Jesus wept" (John 11:35) |
Longest verse | Esther 8:9 |
Verse containing all the letters of the alphabet except J | Ezra 7:21 |
Verse containing all the letters of the alphabet except Q | Daniel 4:37 |
Shortest chapter (number of words) | Psalm 117 |
Longest chapter in Bible | Psalm 119 |
Shortest book in Old Testament | Obadiah (1 chapter, 21 verses, 669 words) |
Shortest book in New Testament (number of words) | 3 John (294 words, 14 verses); 2 John (298 words, 13 verses) |
Longest book in Bible | Psalms in the Old Testament |
Longest book in New Testament | Luke (the most verses and words) |