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Children's Books

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Abraham Lincoln: God's Leader for a Nation by David Collins. Fenton, MI: Mott Media, ©1976. 6th grade. The story of his life and his faith in God.

Adoniram Judson: God's Man in Burma by Sharon Hambrick. Greenville, S.C.: Bob Jones University Press, ©2001. Ages 9-12. "This life story of Adoniram Judson follows him from childhood and youthful unbelief to trust in Jesus Christ and service on the mission field of Burma."

Billy Sunday: Home Run to Heaven by Robert A. Allen. Fenton, MI: Mott Media, ©1985. 5th grade. Biography of a professional baseball player who dedicated his life to Christ and became an evangelist of the early twentieth century.

C. T. Studd: No Retreat by Janet & Geoff Benge. Seattle, Wash.: YWAM, ©2005. Ages 10 and up. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. Serving in China, India, and finally Central Africa, C.T. unceasingly pursued a life devoted to Christ. Ages 10 and up.

Captive Treasure by Milly Howard. Greenville, S.C.: Bob Jones University Press, ©1988. Ages 9-12. Fiction. "This is a story of great courage and stirring adventure, of spiritual growth and personal relationships with God ... of a brave girl who learns to stand alone for God in difficult circumstances.

D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge. Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing, ©2011. 191 pages. Age 10 and up.

David Livingstone: African Explorer by John Hudson Tiner. ©1997. Biography of an explorer, missionary, scientist and doctor. His exciting exploits in Africa tell a story of unsurpassed courage and determination.

Fanny CrosbyFanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Songs by Rebecca Davis. Greenville, S.C.: Journey Forth, ©2003. Ages 9-12. Delightful Christian biography of the blind, gospel hymn writer, Fanny Crosby.

George Washington Carver: From Slave to Scientist by Janet & Geoff Benge. Lynnwood, WA: Emerald Books, ©2001.

George Mueller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans by Janet & Geoff Benge. Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing, ©1999. Age 10 and up. Also Audiobook.

George Washington Carver: Man's Slave Becomes God's Scientist by David Collins. Fenton, MI: Mott Media, ©1981. 6th grade. The story of one man's rise from slavery and the struggles and triumphs of his faith.

Gladys AylwardGladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge. Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing, ©1999. Ages 10-14.

Ira Sankey: Singing the Gospel by Kelley S. Bruss. Greenville, SC: JourneyForth Book, ©2010. Christian biography for young readers ages 9–12. Illustrated.

Isaac Newton: Inventor, Scientist, and Teacher by John Hudson Tiner. Fenton, MI: Mott Media, ©1976. 8th grade. Biography of the seventeenth-century English astronomer and mathematician who discovered the law of gravity.

Johannes Kepler: Giant of Faith and Science by John Hudson Tiner. Fenton, MI: Mott Media, ©1977. 8th grade. Biography of a German astronomer who discovered three laws of planetary motion.

Mary Slessor: Forward Into Calabar by Janet & Geoff Benge. Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing, c1999. Age 10 and up.

Mary SlessorMary Slessor: Missionary Mother by Terri B. Kelly. Greenville, SC: JourneyForth, ©2014. Ages 9-12.

Robert E. LeeRobert E. Lee: Gallant Christian Soldier by Lee Roddy. Fenton, MI: ©1977. 7th grade. Biography of the leader of the Confederate forces during the Civil War.

These Are My People: A Biography of Gladys Aylward by Mildred T. Howard. Greenville, S.C.: Bob Jones University Press, ©1984. Ages 7-9.

William WilberforceWilliam Wilberforce: Take Up the Fight by Janet & Geoff Benge. Lynwood, WA: Ambassador Emerald Books, ©2015. Ages 8-12.

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