Go, study the Bible; God's Word is a light
That brightly will shine in your way;
'Twill warn you of dangers, 'twill lead you aright,
From time to eternity's day.
Go, study the Bible! Go, read it with prayer;
And look for the treasures of love hidden there;
Search well thro' its pages for Heaven's bright ore,
As years hasten onward, we'll prize it still more.
Go, study the Bible; sweet moments employ
In hearing the voice of the Lord;
In sorrow, a comfort; in service, a joy;
In battle, a conquering sword.
Go, study the Bible; the mariner's chart
Will guide him across the dark wave;
But precious, more precious this Book to the heart,
It tells us that Jesus will save.
—Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)
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