Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

God's Holy Book

What light is this whose constant ray
Reveals to trav’lers lost the way
To mansions of eternal day?
God’s holy book, the Bible.

I love the Bible, I love the Bible,
A light to shine upon my path,
I love, I love the Bible.

What faithful chart on life’s rough sea,
What compass true where’er we be,
What anchor for eternity?
God’s holy book, the Bible.

What sword enables us to fight
Against sin’s pow’rs and Satan’s might?
Gives victory for God and right?
God’s holy book, the Bible.

—by Martha M. Newton (1861-1947)

There is a living God; He has spoken in the Bible; He means what He says and will do all He has promised. —Hudson Taylor

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