Wholesome Words 

Be Still, My Heart
by D. W. Whittle (1840-1901)
Verses written on the death, by accident, of D. W. Whittle's only son in 1894.

D. W. Whittle
"Be still, my heart! Thy Savior knows full well
The burden on thee laid;
And to thy side He comes, with love to heal
The wound His love hath made.
Close by the sheep, in paths of darkness led,
He walks, the Shepherd true;
'I will not leave you comfortless,' He said,
'I will come unto you.'

"No love but His can fill the vacant place
And soothe the bitter pain:
No power but His can send the needed grace,
To count thy sorrow's gain:
No hand but His can wipe the falling tear,
For He on earth hath wept;
No voice but His can at the grave give cheer,
For there He once hath slept.

"And still He weeps with all His own who weep,
Our great High Priest above;
And through their night of woe He still doth keep
His silent watch of love.
He feels each sigh, each throb of aching head,
And whispers soft and low,
'I will not leave you comfortless and sad,
I will come unto you.'"
  —D. W. Whittle (1840-1901)

From George C. Stebbins: Reminiscences and Gospel Hymn Stories by Himself. New York: George H. Doran Company, ©1924.
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