Missionary Perspective |
Twenty years on deputation, or at least it seemed that way; Telling o'er and o'er the calling, the same slide set every day. Sunday morning in Chicago, Sunday evening in West Bend; Wednesday evening up in Moline, traveling miles without end. Hearing pastor after pastor say, "Our budget's chock-a-block; Then the day at last comes dawning when he flies out to the
field There's the funny sounding language that he doesn't understand; No one told him 'bout these roaches that intimidate his wife, The crowds that press upon him are intolerable at best, When he goes to church on Sunday, he doesn't even know the songs; He must send a cheery letter to his supporters every month; He can't stand the local menus, but can't buy the food he wants. The slide set showed the glamorous, the palm trees and the beach; Now the funny thing about it is that just across the street The difference that there seems to be between these fellow men So when you're on the mission field and things look very drear, And think of how God's only Son left Heaven up above, |
A Poem (untitled) |
Oh, give me, Lord, Thy love for souls, For lost and wand'ring sheep, That I may see the multitudes And weep as Thou didst weep. Help me to see the tragic plight From off the altar of Thy heart O Fire of Love, O Flame Divine, |
Our Missionaries |
They have journeyed far on a stormy tide To the friendless shore and the strange hillside, Where the wild winds sigh and the darkness creeps; For their hearts are sad with a world that weeps, And theirs is a love that never sleeps. Where the stress is great and the battle long, God is the source of their secret strength, But who shall follow where they have led? >> More Poems and Praise |