Wholesome Words 

Poems and Hymns by H. A. Ironside
compiled by Stephen Ross

H. A. Ironside
How desolate my life would be,
How dark and drear my nights and days,
If Jesus' face I did not see
To brighten all earth's weary ways.

With burdened heart I wandered long,
By grief and unbelief distressed;
But now I sing faith's happy song,
In Christ my Saviour I am blest.

Now judgment fears no more alarm,
I dread not death, nor Satan's pow'r;
The world for me has lost its charm,
God's grace sustains me every hour.

I'm overshadowed by His mighty love,
Love eternal, changeless, pure,
Overshadowed by His mighty love,
Rest is mine, serene, secure;
He died to ransom me from sin...
He lives to keep me day by day.
I'm overshadowed by His mighty love,
Love that brightens all my way.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);
Copyright 1935 by George S. Schuler

Altogether Lovely
Oft I am asked why Christ I love,
And what He means to me;
I answer, "He redeemed my soul.
By dying on the tree."

He came from heav'n to rescue me,
My load of sin He bore;
And since I've learned to know His love,
My dread and fears are o'er.

And now He lives in glory bright,
And pleads my cause on high;
And soon He'll come and take me home,
Where pleasures never die.

He is altogether lovely,
Yes, the fairest of the fair,
Chief is He among ten thousand,
And with Him I'll glory share.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);
Copyright 1935 by George S. Schuler

His Grace Proclaim
When I behold the Holy One
Who laid aside His robe and crown,
My frankincense and myrrh I bring
A humble off'ring to my King.

When I behold Him on the cross,
Bearing for me the shame and loss,
In adoration low I bend,
And worship Him—the sinner's Friend.

When I behold Him on the throne,
The once-slain Lamb who did atone,
I join with saints unnumbered there
To praise His name, my Lord so fair.

Oh, praise His name!
His grace proclaim,
Who lived and died
And lives again.
Forevermore He is the same,
Who thro' eternal years shall reign.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);
Copyright 1935 by George S. Schuler

Only to Love and Serve Thee
Thy voice I hear, Lord Jesus,
Bidding me walk with Thee,—
Carry the cross Thou givest,
Rough tho' the path may be.
Often I've dreaded leaving
All for Thyself alone,
Hoping I still might please Thee,
Now I'd be all Thine own.

The world's vain fleeting follies
Have kept from liberty,
Now I renounce each idol
That I loved more than Thee.
Henceforth to serve Thee only
All my life I would spend,
Knowing Thy grace unfailing
Will keep me to the end.

With Thee I'd walk, my Saviour—
Following day by day,
Tho' it mean trial and hardship,
Sacrifice all the way,—
For Thou hast grace sufficient,
With Thee I will not fear.
Heaven would lose its sweetness
If all were easy here.

Only to love and serve Thee
Daily to bear the cross,
Counting for Thee, my Saviour,
Treasures of earth as dross.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);
Copyright 1925 by Herbert G. Tovey

The Wonder of His Love to Me
A theme there is that fills my heart with rapture
A song that stirs my soul to melody
Tis the grace of Christ to me, a worthless sinner
Oh the wonder of His love to me.

When I was guilty, lost, by sin polluted
From His throne He came to darkest Calvary
Saved me by His death from misery eternal
Oh, the wonder of His love to me.

Soon He'll come in pow'r and glory all transcendent
Then from pain and woe forever I'll be free
Thru eternity I'll praise Him and adore Him
For the wonder of His love to me.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);
Copyright 1938 by J. R. Jones

If This Should Be My Last Year
If this should be the last year
That I shall know on earth,
I would not want to spend it
In carelessness and mirth.

I would each passing moment
Might glorify my Lord,
That I might know Him better
And feed upon His Word.

I would be more in earnest
Seeking for the lost,
As one redeemed by Jesus,
Bought at such a cost!

I would grow ever like Him,
Whose name I have confessed;
I would be more compassionate
To those who are distressed.

And this may be my last year,
I cannot tell for sure;
But I would live as if it were,
His "Well done" to secure.
—H. A. Ironside (1876-1951);

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