Overshadowed |
How desolate my life would be, How dark and drear my nights and days, If Jesus' face I did not see To brighten all earth's weary ways. With burdened heart I wandered long, Now judgment fears no more alarm, Refrain: |
Altogether Lovely |
Oft I am asked why Christ I love, And what He means to me; I answer, "He redeemed my soul. By dying on the tree." He came from heav'n to rescue me, And now He lives in glory bright, Refrain: |
His Grace Proclaim |
When I behold the Holy One Who laid aside His robe and crown, My frankincense and myrrh I bring A humble off'ring to my King. When I behold Him on the cross, When I behold Him on the throne, Refrain: |
Only to Love and Serve Thee |
Thy voice I hear, Lord Jesus, Bidding me walk with Thee,— Carry the cross Thou givest, Rough tho' the path may be. Often I've dreaded leaving All for Thyself alone, Hoping I still might please Thee, Now I'd be all Thine own. The world's vain fleeting follies With Thee I'd walk, my Saviour— Refrain: |
The Wonder of His Love to Me |
A theme there is that fills my heart with rapture A song that stirs my soul to melody Tis the grace of Christ to me, a worthless sinner Oh the wonder of His love to me. When I was guilty, lost, by sin polluted Soon He'll come in pow'r and glory all transcendent |
If This Should Be My Last Year |
If this should be the last year That I shall know on earth, I would not want to spend it In carelessness and mirth. I would each passing moment I would be more in earnest I would grow ever like Him, And this may be my last year, |