Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

Wonderful Bible

Wonderful Bible, Book of all ages,
Gift of our Father, sent from above,
Life everlasting beams from its pages,
Peace beyond measure, mercy and love.

Wonderful Bible, Book of salvation,
Telling of mercy, breathing of love;
Wonderful Bible, God's revelation,
Showing His children mansions above.

Wonderful Bible, beautiful story,
Story of Jesus, Saviour of men;
Dying for sinners, pleading in glory,
Hear it with gladness, tell it again.

Wonderful Bible! none ever perish
Heeding its counsels, led by its light;
Every sweet promise, O let us cherish,
Till Heaven's morning end earthly night.

Wonderful Bible, blessèd possession,
Let us uphold it, home and abroad;
Servants of Jesus, this be our mission,
Send to the needy, tidings from God.

Eliza E. Hewitt (1851-1920)

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15

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