Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

It Means Just What It Says

There are some who believe the Bible,
And some who believe in part,
And some who trust with a reservation,
And some with all their heart.
But I know that its every promise
Is firm and true always;
It is tried as the precious silver,
And it means just what it says.

Yes, it means just what it says.

It assures me of salvation,
Thro' Jesus' precious blood,
For the souls that trust His mercy,
And yield themselves to God.
And I claim for myself the promise,
And just begins to praise,
For it says I am saved by trusting,
And I trust just as it says.

And it tells me there is cleansing,
From every secret sin,
And a great and full salvation,
To keep the heart within.
And I take Him in His fullness,
With all His glorious grace.
For He says it is mine for taking,
And I take just what He says.

—by Albert B. Simpson (1843-1919)

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165

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