Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

I'll Not Give Up the Bible

I'll not give up the Bible,
That precious book divine,
For glory gilds its pages,
And truth adorns each line.

I’ll never give up that holy book,
I’ll never give up the Bible;
I’ll never give up that holy book,
That precious book divine.

Though foes may fight against me,
And enemies combine,
Its precepts still shall guide me,
As light from Heav’n they shine.

When fate’s wild storms o'ercloud me,
And loud the billows roar,
My chart shall be the Bible,
To guide to Heav’n’s bright shore.

—by William T. Giffe (1848–1926)

For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Psalm 138:2b

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