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poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

God's Word

The Bible was given
That lost men may know
The way into Heaven,
And shun hell below.
It does not deceive us;
Is faithful to tell
Of sin, death, and judgment,
And torments of hell.

No word ever spoken
By God to His own
Was ever yet broken;
'Tis firm as His throne.

It then points to Jesus,
Redeemer of all,
The mighty who frees us
From curse of the fall.
It shows us our duty
To God and to man
In words of great beauty,
And know them all can.

It tells us of Heaven,
The home of the soul,
And crowns to be given,
While ages shall roll.
Oh, Heaven-born treasure!
We would have the more,
In fullness of measure
And richness of store.

—by Leander W. Munhall (1843-1934)

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

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