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Cling to the Bible, My Boy

As your journey thro' life to the grave you pursue,
There is one thing in earnest I wish you to do;
Oh! listen, my boy, while I say this to you,—
Oh, cling to the Bible, my boy!

Then cling to the Bible, my boy,
Oh, cling to the Bible, my boy;
While living or dying, all else letting go—
Oh, cling to the Bible, my boy.

You may meet with misfortunes and sorrows and tears,
You may battle with sin and with Satan for years;
Be a Christian, press on! do not have any fears,
But cling to the Bible, my boy!

Put your faith in our Father, and you will be strong;
Keep your eye on the cross and you'll never go wrong;
Sing the sweet song of praise as you journey along,
And cling to the Bible, my boy!

Every time that you read it you'll learn something new,
Of Jesus who died on the cross to save you;
To the Lord, to yourself, and to heaven be true,
And cling to the Bible, my boy!

'Tis the anchor of hope, and the lamp that gives light;
'Tis the star that will shine thro' your life's darkest night.
If you follow its guidance you'll always be right.
Oh! cling to the Bible, my boy!

—by William S. Hays (1837–1907)

O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Psalm 119:97

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