Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

Carry Your Bible

Carry your Bible with you,
Let all its blessings outflow;
It will supply you each moment—
Take it wherever you go!

Take it wherever you go,
Take it wherever you go,
God's message of love
Sent down from above,
Oh, take it wherever you go!

Carry the word of pardon,
Sweeter each day it will grow;
Somewhere some heart will be waiting—
Take it wherever you go!

Carry the wondrous story,
Tell it to hearts plunged in woe;
This word of gracious redemption—
Take it wherever you go!

Carry the word of promise;
Sinners unpardoned may know
God's path from sin unto safety—
Take it wherever you go!

—by Fred P. Morris (1872-1950)

The best evidence of our having the truth is our walking in the truth. —Matthew Henry

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