Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

Blessèd Bible (Crosby)

Blessèd Bible, Book of Gold,
Precious truths thy pages hold,
Truths to lead me day by day
All along my pilgrim way.

Blessèd Bible, pure and true,
Guide me all my journey through;
Heav’nly light within me shine,
Help me make thy precepts mine!

Lamp of faith, my feet to lead,
Bread of Heav’n, my soul to feed;
Living waters pure and free,
Book of books thou art to me.

Word of God, thy love impart,
Fire my zeal, and cleanse my heart;
Keep me earnest, keep me true,
Ev’ry day my strength renew.

—by Fanny Crosby (1820-1915)

How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103
"My love for the Holy Bible and its sacred truth is stronger and more precious to me at ninety than at nineteen. This Book to me is 'God's Treasure-house,' and there is nothing I love better than to have my friends read to me from the sacred page."—Fanny Crosby

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