Wholesome Words 
poems, hymns and songs about the Bible

The Bible (Bradbury)

The Bible! the Bible! more precious than gold,
The hopes and the glories its pages unfold;
It speaks of a Savior, and tells of His love;
It shows us the way to the mansions above,
It shows us the way to the mansions above.

The Bible! the Bible! blest volume of truth,
How sweetly it smiles on the season of youth!
It bids us seek early the pearl of great price,
Ere th'heart is enslaved in the bondage of vice,
Ere th'heart is enslaved in the bondage of vice.

The Bible! the Bible! we hail it with joy,
Its truths and its glories our tongues shall employ;
We'll sing of its triumphs, we'll sing of its worth,
And send its glad tidings afar o'er the earth,
And send its glad tidings afar o'er the earth.

—by William B. Bradbury (1816-1868)

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Psalm 119:160

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