Wholesome Words 
poems and songs about the Bible

Beautiful Bible

Beautiful Bible, herald of mercy!
Beautiful Bible, message of love!
Pointing the way to the heavenly city,
Guiding our steps to the kingdom above.

Beautiful Bible! wonderful Bible!
Word of the loving Father above;
Radiant with light as the sun in the heavens,
Sweet with the story of Christ and His love.

Beautiful Bible! rich are thy treasures,
Bright are thy pearls of wisdom and truth;
Strength of our hearts mid earth's trials and conflicts,
Comfort of age and the guard of our youth.

Beautiful Bible! lighting the pathway,
Leading from earth to Heaven above;
Lamp of our feet to illumine the darkness,
Till we shall enter God's kingdom of love.

—by Elisha A. Hoffman (1839-1929)

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

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