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1832 | J. Hudson Taylor born at Barnsley, [England], May 21. |
1834 | East India Company's Trade monopoly ceases, April 22. Robert Morrison dies at Canton, August 1. |
1839 | First Opium War commences, November 3. |
1841 | Hong Kong ceded to the British, January 20. |
1842 | Treaty of Nanking signed, August 29. |
1849 | Hudson Taylor converted at age 17. |
1850-1864 | Taiping Rebellion. |
1853 | Hudson Taylor sails for China for the first time under Chinese Evangelization Society, September 19. |
1854 | Hudson Taylor lands in Shanghai, March 1. |
1855-1873 | Great Mohammedan rebellion in Yunnan. |
1856-1860 | Second Opium War. |
1857 | Hudson Taylor resigns from Chinese Evangelization Society, June. |
1858 | Hudson Taylor marries Miss Maria Dyer, a missionary located
at Ningpo, January 20. Treaty of Tientsin signed, June. |
1860 | Hudson Taylor's first appeal for helpers, January
16. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Taylor sail for England, July. Treaty of Tientsin ratified at Peking, October 24. |
1862-1876 | Great Mohommedan rebellion in Kansu, etc. |
1862 | Hudson Taylor's first helpers, Mr. and Mrs. Meadows, sail, January 8. |
1865 | Three more workers sail for
China, April. Hudson Taylor's crisis at Brighton, June 25. Beginning of China Inland Mission which Hudson Taylor founded, June 27. China's Spiritual Need and Claims published, October. |
1866 | Occasional Papers, No. 1 published,
March 12. Hudson Taylor sails for China, the second time, with Lammermuir party, May 26. |
1867 | Death of Gracie Taylor, August 23. |
1868 | Yangchow riot, August 22-23. |
1869 | Bitter anti-Christian manifesto issued from Hunan, September. Suez Canal opened, November 17. |
1870 | Tientsin massacre, June 21. Mrs. Hudson Taylor (nee Dyer) dies at 33 years of age, July 23. Naking Viceroy assassinated, August 24. |
1871 | Telegraph cable opened to Shanghai, June 3. Hudson Taylor sails for England, August. Hudson Taylor marries Miss Jennie Faulding, November 28. |
1872 | Hudson Taylor sails for China, the third time, with Mrs. Taylor, October 9. |
1874 | Hudson Taylor falls and hurts spine, May. Miss Blatchley dies, July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor reach England, October 14. |
1875 | Hudson Taylor's appeal for 18 workers published, January. China's Millions first published, July. |
1876 | Hudson Taylor sails for China, the fourth time, without Mrs. Taylor, September 7. |
1877 | Hudson Taylor sails for England, November. |
1878 | Mrs. Hudson Taylor sails for China, for famine relief work,
May 2. Hudson Taylor in Switzerland, August. |
1879 | Hudson Taylor sails for China, the fifth time (ill),
February 24. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor reach Chefoo, May 8. |
1880 | Hudson Taylor's first visit to Kwangsin River, August. |
1881 | Mrs. Hudson Taylor sails for England; absent from China nine years, October. Hudson Taylor at Wuchang. Appeal for The Seventy, November. Hudson Taylor welcomes his eldest son, Herbert, to China, December 10. |
1883 | Hudson Taylor sails for England, February. |
1885 | Hudson Taylor sails, without Mrs. Taylor, for
China, the sixth time, January 20. The Cambridge Seven leave for China, February 5. |
1886 | Hudson Taylor's second visit to Kwangsin River, May-June. Hudson Taylor travels, visiting nine provinces, May-October. Pastor Hsi set apart by Hudson Taylor, August 5. First meeting of China Council. Appeal for The Hundred, November 13-26. |
1887 | Hudson Taylor sails for England, January. Sailing of the Hundred, January. |
1888 | Hudson Taylor, with his son, Dr. Howard Taylor, sails for North America, June 23. Hudson Taylor sails from Vancouver for China, the seventh time, with first North American contingent, October 5. |
1889 | Hudson Taylor arrives in England, May 21. Hudson Taylor pays second visit to North America, July. Hudson Taylor issues To Every Creature, October. Hudson Taylor visits Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, November. |
1890 | New C.I.M. premises in Shanghai opened, February 18 Hudson Taylor sails for China for eighth time, without Mrs. Taylor, March. First Australian worker for C.I.M. arrives in Shanghai, April 29. Hudson Taylor visits Australia for first time, August. Hudson Taylor sails for China with first Australasian party, November 20. Hudson Taylor reaches Shanghai; finds Mrs. Taylor there after an absence of nine years from China, December 21. |
1891 | Sailing of first Scandinavian China Alliance party, January. Many anti-foreign riots this year. |
1892 | Hudson Taylor (ill) reaches Vancouver, March. Hudson Taylor arrives in England; visits Keswick (ill), July 26. |
1893 | Hudson Taylor visits Germany, April. Hudson Taylor visits Germany again, August. Union and Communion by Taylor published. |
1894 | Hudson Taylor sails for China, the ninth time, via America, with Mrs. Taylor, and Miss Geraldine Guinness, February 14. Hudson Taylor speaks at Students' Conference in Detroit. Hudson Taylor reaches Shanghai, April 17. Hudson Taylor takes long journey through heart of China, Summer. A Retrospect by Taylor published. |
1895 | Beginning of Szechwan riots, May. Kucheng massacre, August 1. |
1896 | Hudson Taylor, with Mrs. Taylor, leaves China (ill.), February. Hudson Taylor visits India, March. Hudson Taylor returns to China, April. Hudson Taylor sails for England, lands at Brindisi and visits Germany en route, May 2. Hudson Taylor visits Sweden, Norway and Germany, August. |
1897 | Hudson Taylor visits Germany, Spring. Two German missionaries murdered in Shantung, November 1. Hudson Taylor sails, via America, for China, the tenth time, with Mrs. Taylor, November 24. |
1898 | Hudson Taylor reaches Shanghai, resides there three months,
January 15. Hudson Taylor visits Cheefoo, April 20. Hudson Taylor back in Shanghai, May 9. Hudson Taylor at Kuling, Summer. Yü Mantze rebellion begins in Szechwan, June. Coup d'etat. Empress Dowager resumes power in Peking, September 22. Hudson Taylor back in Shanghai, October. Murder of Mr. Fleming in Kweichow, November 4. Separation and Service by Taylor published.. |
1899 | Conference in Chungking, January 16-21. Hudson Taylor back in Shanghai, April 6. Hudson Taylor visits Chefoo, for the last time, May 24. The Boxer Society founded. Many riots, Summer. A Ribband of Blue, and other Bible Studies by Taylor published. Hudson Taylor back in Shanghai for last days of active service in China, September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor leave China for Australia and New Zealand; Close of Hudson Taylor's work in China, September 26. Empress Dowager issues her famous anti-foreign decree, November 21. Mr. S. M. Brooks murdered in Shantung, December 31. |
1900 | Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, with Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, visit
New Zealand, January Boxer outbreaks begin, May. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor reach England, and proceed to Switzerland, June 18. Imperial Decree orders murder of all foreigners, June 24. |
1904 | Mrs. Hudson Taylor [Jennie Faulding] dies in Switzerland, July 30. |
1905 | Hudson Taylor sails for China for the last time,
February 15. Hudson Taylor dies at Changsha, Hunan, China; 73 years of age, June 3. |
From Hudson Taylor: The Man Who Believed God by Marshall Broomhall. London; Philadelphia: The China Inland Mission, 1929. | |
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