Wholesome Words 
Missionary Biographies

Mary Slessor: Chronology of Events
by W. P. Livingstone; edited by Stephen Ross

Mary SlessorMary Slessor (1848-1915) was a Scottish missionary who served the Lord Jesus Christ in Africa where she was commonly called "Ma" Slessor.

"Prayer is the greatest power God has put into our hands for service..."
1848 Born at Gilcomston, Aberdeen, [Scotland], December 2.
1856 Family went to Dundee.
1859 Began work in a factory to help support family because her dad spent a large part of his earnings on "strong drink."
1876 Appointed by United Presbyterian Church to Calabar as missionary teacher, and sailed on the steamer Ethiopia. Calabar, the scene of the life-work of Mary Slessor, is in southeastern Nigeria which is located in Western Africa.
1879 Made her first visit home because of illness.
1880 Returns to Calabar. In charge of the women's work at Old Town.
1883 Second visit home with Janie, a young African girl.
1885 Returns to Calabar, her new station is in Creek Town.
Death of her mother, December.
1886 Death of her sister, Janie, March.
1888 Entered Okoyong alone.
1891 Third visit home because of illness. Janie, the African girl is with her.
1892 Made British government Agent (Consul) in Okoyong.
1898 Fourth visit home because of illness, with four of her "children": Janie, Alice, Maggie, and Mary (African girls).
1902 Pioneering in Enyong Creek.
1903 Started a Mission at Itu. Reached Arochuku.
1904 Settled at Itu.
1905 Settled at Ikotobong.
Appointed Vice-President of Native Court.
1907 Fifth visit home because of illness, with Dan, a six-year old African boy.
Returns to Africa and settled at Use.
1908 Began a home for women and girls at Use.
1909 Gave up Court work.
1910 Began work at Ikpe.
1912 Holiday at Grand Canary.
1913 Visit to Okoyong; received Royal Medal; began work at Odoro Ikpe. At this time she was working three stations (Use, Ikpe, and Odoro Ikpe and constantly going between them).
1914 Last illness, August.
1915 Died at Use, January 13.
  From Mary Slessor the White Queen: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism and Faith by W.P. Livingstone. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1931. Originally published as The White Queen of Okoyong... [1917?]
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