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Daily Bible Reading Schedules

Holy Bible Print out the schedule of your choice. When you finish reading the Scripture passage each day, mark the schedule with a pen or pencil to keep a record of your progress.
Choices Brief Description
  One Using this Bible reading schedule, you will read through the entire Bible once in two years, while reading the Psalms and the New Testament twice. >>>>
  Two Using this Bible reading schedule, you will read a portion from both the Old Testament and the New Testament each day while reading through the Bible in a year. PDF >>>>
  Three Using this Bible reading schedule, you will read three portions of Scripture each day, and read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in a year. PDF >>>>
  Four Using this Bible reading schedule compiled by Robert Murray McCheyne in 1842, you will read four portions of Scripture each day, and read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in a year. PDF >>>>
>> See also Comments and suggestions by McCheyne.

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