Have you watched a skillful knitter? Then you have seen the knitting needles making mimic warfare one against another. At least, so it seems. One pin will gain all the wool, and then the other will recover everything it lost, and more besides. The operation might appear vain to one who does not understand the art.
So it was to me when my aged Christian mother employed her skill in that direction.
What was it all for? Why all the ado in the matter? I did not understand. Ah, but she did! She had an object in view from the very outset of her operation. A pattern was in her mind, and every stitch put into the work was for the furtherance of her intention. She knew what she was about, and in each action of her hands and fingers she had the carrying out of that pattern before her, and all the wool was worked together for the fulfillment of her thought.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Rom. 8:28.
"All things." Comprehensive words these! "All things!" Yes, the Maker of every "stitch" has the end in view. Good, only good, is meant for each and every one of the children of God.
And "as for God, His way is perfect." 2 Sam. 22:31.
My mother, good knitter though she was, made an occasional error in her work, dropping a stitch or making a false one, and then some of the work had to be "pulled out."
But God makes no mistakes. He never has to undo any of His work; all is "very good." He never drops one of His stitches, though perhaps we might wish that some of His dealings had been omitted. He knows the end from the beginning, and His skillful hands carry out His heart's designs for our true spiritual prosperity.
As a little sock or cuff or mitten drew near to completion, I saw what my mother's object had been, but she knew all the while.
A little later we shall see the "why" and the "wherefore" of much that is not understood at present. Then in His "light we shall see light," and boundless praise shall well from our hearts!
"Oh, to trust Him then more fully!
Just to simply move,
In the conscious, calm enjoyment
Of the Father's love,
Knowing that life's checkered pathway
Leadeth to His rest,
Satisfied the way He taketh
Must be always best."
First published as Songs for the Night Seasons by Inglis Fleming. New York: Loizeaux Bros., [n.d.]. Republished as Songs for Sorrow and Suffering by Bible Truth Publishers, 59 Industrial Road, Addison, IL 60101.
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