Wholesome Words 

Obsolete Words

by Inglis Fleming (1859-1955)

Obsolete: "gone into disuse, neglected in use." Such is the dictionary definition of the word. Obsolete words are those which were employed commonly once, but are now out of date and service. Such words may be found in some dictionaries still because they have been used in standard and classical literature of bygone decades. They are included, that their meaning may be understood by those who read books of the long ago.

Obsolete! How many words of present employment will pass out of service in the glorious and eternal day soon to dawn for the Christian. The blessedness of that time is described for us now by the declaration that words well understood while here in the times of trial will be obsolete then.

"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Rev. 21:4.


For all these words there will be no use in the world of joy on high in the Father's house. All that of which this world is made up will have "passed away," by the fiat of God, who will have said, "Behold, I make all things new."

In tenderest care He will take away the last trace of our sorrow. With His own gentle hand He will wipe away our tears, just as the loving mother removes those of her child, as she comforts and encourages him, in her warm embrace.

"Joy and gladness" shall be ours, and "sorrow and sighing shall flee away" into the land of forgetfulness; or, if remembered, will but recall the long-suffering and tender pity of our Lord as He sought our welfare while in the valley of comfort.

Take heart of grace, dear believer. The "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." That morning will be "without clouds."

Meanwhile, as you pass through "the valley of Baca" (the vale of tears), it will be made a wellspring of refreshment, and the rain from above will cover the weary, thirsty land with blessings innumerable (see Psa. 84:6). Soon you will be where

"God shall wipe away all tears,
There's no death, nor pain, nor fears;
And they count not time by years,
For there is no night there."

First published as Songs for the Night Seasons by Inglis Fleming. New York: Loizeaux Bros., [n.d.]. Republished as Songs for Sorrow and Suffering by Bible Truth Publishers, 59 Industrial Road, Addison, IL 60101.

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