Wholesome Words 

Talking With Him

by Inglis Fleming (1859-1955)

Moses and Elias were occupied thus on the holy mount where our Lord was transfigured.

Moses had not been permitted to enter the promised land when the Israelites passed over Jordan because he had failed in meekness when provoked by that rebellious people. But now he comes in, in the company of the Son of God Himself, and is seen communing with Him, communing concerning that greatest exodus—the departure of our Lord by way of Calvary into the glory of God. Hallowed company! Hallowed communion!

May it not be thus with some who, leaving us to mourn their loss, are found now in the presence of their Saviour and Lord? Are they "talking with Him" as these lines are penned or scanned? Would we wish them disturbed in that holy, happy occupation?

"Talking with Him." This is to be our privilege "in glory." In bodies of glory, suited by Himself for Himself, so that with infinite complacency He may look upon us, and see us comely with the comeliness He has put upon us, so as to fit us to be His companions forever; we on our side knowing every question forever settled, which could ever arise to disturb our delight in being with Him, and the Holy Spirit, unhindered and ungrieved, giving us power to enjoy unbroken and unbreakable communion with our Lord. What a prospect this!

Even now it is ours to anticipate the joy in part. If Moses and Elias were found "talking with Him" on the mountain's top, our Lord was found talking with His disciples when "apart" with them at the mountain's foot, or "in the house," with Peter (Matt. 17:1,19, 25).

"Talking with Jesus." The "decease which He should accomplish at Jerusalem" will engage our attention eternally, assuredly. The redeemed host of Rev. 5 sing of the redemption work of Christ, and praise Him that His blood was shed to redeem them and to make them a kingdom of priests to God. What will it be to hear our Lord and Saviour Himself unfold to us that which His sufferings have wrought for the glory of God and for the blessing of men? It will lead to full and everlasting praise.

"With Thee, in garments white,
Lord Jesus, we shall walk;
And, spotless in that heavenly light,
Of all Thy sufferings talk."

First published as Songs for the Night Seasons by Inglis Fleming. New York: Loizeaux Bros., [n.d.]. Republished as Songs for Sorrow and Suffering by Bible Truth Publishers, 59 Industrial Road, Addison, IL 60101.

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