Wholesome Words 
Quotes & Notes

echoes from glory
C. H. Mackintosh Quotations

C. H. MackintoshLove to Christ is proved by doing the things which He commands, and not merely saying, "Lord, Lord."

• The best evidence of our having the truth is our walking in the truth.

• There may be much truth on the lips and much in the intellect, but God looks for it in the heart.

• Peace is such a precious jewel that I would give anything for it but truth.

• There can be no true union attained at the expense of truth.

• To be a child is one thing, to be an obedient child is quite another.

• Obedience is the fruit of faith.

• Obedience is due from us to God's Word, simply because it is His Word.

• Faith is always proven by action. (James 2:14)

• If Christ has not the love of your heart, He does not want the labor of your hands.

• The Christian should regard himself as the channel through which the manifold grace of Christ may flow out to a needy world.

• The man of faith...has naught to do with the world, save to be a patient witness therein of the grace of God, and of coming judgment.

• We must act up to the light already communicated, and then God will give us more.

• The more closely we walk with God, and the more subject we are to His Word, the more we shall know of His mind about everything.

• The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for himself.

• It is much better to be drawn by the joys of heaven, than driven by the sorrows of earth.

• To attempt to reprove the world's ways, while we profit by association with it, is vanity; the world will attach very little weight to such reproof and such testimony.

• It is vain to speak of approaching judgment when finding our place, our portion, and our enjoyment in the very scene which is to be judged.

• We attempt to move forward when we ought to stand still, and we stand still when we ought to move forward.

• We are more ready to trust anything than the living God.

• There is no difficulty too great for our God.

• Every doubt in the heart of a Christian is a dishonor done to the Word of God and the sacrifice of Christ.

• The words of our lips profess that the work is finished; but the doubts and fears of the heart declare that it is not.

• The world and the Christian should have absolutely nothing in common.

• All we are and all we have belongs to Him.

• We have not only been delivered from the guilt and consequences of sin, but also from the practice of it, the power of it, and the love of it.

• He died for us, and now He lives in us. The former gives us peace, the latter give us power.

• The very fact of it being God's salvation proves that man has naught to do in it.

• No man is his own master; he is either governed by Christ or governed by Satan.

• Regeneration is not a change of the old nature, but the introduction of a new.

• Men are responsible to believe the gospel, and they will be punished for not believing it.

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