Wholesome Words 

true stories of God's love
Lo, the Young Chinese Man

Lo was just a poor sinner but he had never heard of the Lord Jesus, and his precious blood that cleanses from all sin. He hoped that somehow his idols could take care of him, but still the burden of sins seemed to grow heavier and heavier.

One day he heard of the Lord Jesus, and he longed to know more about Him. He started going to a Sunday school and very soon he learned that the Lord Jesus loved and died for sinners. This was really good news! Gladly he knelt down and accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and he knew that all his sins were gone! He was eager to learn more about Him. His favorite verse was, "The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sins." 1 John 1:7

One day as he was reading the last chapter of Matthew, he came upon a most wonderful verse. He could hardly believe his eyes—there was his own name! Over and over he read the wonderful words, "Lo, I am with you alway." Lo believed that the Lord Jesus had spoken these words just for him. And indeed the Lord does want you and me, and Lo too, to accept it as a wonderful and true promise to every one who trusts in Him.

Copied with permission from Messages of God's Love published by Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL  60101.

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