Wholesome Words 

treasures of old
Children's Books and Stories

Lighthouse Saved at Sea: A Lighthouse Story by Mrs. O. F. Walton. First published in 1879. Life in a lighthouse, a wreck on a stormy night, the discovery of little Timpey, and many other adventures are interwoven with the Gospel of God's saving grace in this children's story from the past.

Among the Lions: A Story of Mission Work in Burmah by C. J. L. PDF The true story of the life of Adoniram and Ann Judson and mission work in Burma (Myanmar) told to boys and girls. First published in 1901.
Little Henry and his Bearer Little Henry and His Bearer by Mrs. Mary Martha Sherwood. First published in 1814, this edition was published in 1834. A poignant story of Henry, a young orphaned English boy growing up in the East Indies (India) with his foster mother and his Hindu servant Boosy, and the marvelous working of God's providence and grace through the faithful witness of a young lady from England and a Mr. Smith of Calcutta.

Drum Charlie Coulson, the Christian Drummer Boy by M. L. Rossvally. A true Gospel story of how a Jewish doctor found the Saviour through the faithfulness of Charlie Coulson.

Holy Bible Mary Jones and Her Bible by J. A. W. Hamilton. Determination, devotion, and persistence characterize Mary Jones in this true story as she struggles to earn enough money to buy a Bible in her own Welsh language. Her example and appreciation of the Word of God awaken others to the need of publishing it. See The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible by Mary by Mary E. Ropes for original classic.

Andrew and Peter in fishing boat Andrew's Own Brother by E. E. S. The life of Simon Peter based on the Bible, with practical application. Written for children, twenty-four short chapters introduce the child to the Apostle Peter as well as his Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

John PatonThe Story of John G. Paton Told for Young Folks or Thirty Years among South Sea Cannibals by James Paton. John Paton (1824-1907) was a Scottish missionary to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu). The selections from this edition by his brother are based on the complete autobiography first published January, 1889.
Little Dot Little Dot by Mrs. O. F. WaltonPDF First published in 1873. About a small girl who lives near a cemetery where she befriends a gravedigger who works there. One day, Little Dot observes the funeral of a small girl about her age. She wonders what happened to her and where she went after she died.

Morning StarsMorning Stars; or, Names of Christ for His Little Ones by Frances Ridley HavergalPDF Thirty-one devotions on the Names of Christ for children. First published, 1879.

Holy Bible The Story of the English Bible For younger readers. Tells of the labors and long and deadly struggles of William Tyndale and other holy men in ages past in their efforts to provide an English Bible for the people.

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