W. T. P. Wolston, the well-known physician, evangelist, and author,
who resided in Edinburgh, [Scotland], for over forty years, was brought
up in Devonshire and was blessed with Christian parents. But till
he was twenty years of age he was a thorough worldling, doing his
utmost to banish from his mind thoughts of God and eternity.
He went from Brixham to London with the object of studying law; and there at the age of twenty, through the preaching of Richard Weaver, the converted collier, he was awakened to concern about his soul, and impressions were deepened on the following Sunday through an address by Charles Stanley, author of the well-known "C.S." tracts.
On remaining for conversation, he was spoken to by T. B. Miller, who asked him if he were a Christian.
"No, I am not, and cannot profess to be what I am not," was the candid reply.
"Do you want to be a Christian?"
"Yes, I should like very much to be one."
"And how are you to become a Christian?"
"I suppose by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Yes, there is no other way. Do you believe on Him?"
"Yes, of course. We all believe."
"What do you believe?"
And after a pause he replied: "I believe that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
"Quite true; and are you a sinner?"
"Oh, yes! I know that I am a sinner."
"And did He come to save you?"
"I hope so."
"You hope so! And has He saved you?"
"Oh, no!"
"And why not?"
"Because I do not feel saved."
And so the questioning went on, until Mr. Miller said to the anxious inquirer: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
"What! only believe?"
"Yes, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
"But," said the seeking soul, "I do not feel it."
"Man, never mind your feelings; fling them overboard as useless. If you trust in your feelings you will waken up in Hell some day, and then you will know what your feelings were worth. You are not told to feel; you are told to believe. You must take God at His Word."
Satan whispered in the ear of the seeking one: "Stop! Do not be in a hurry. Do not decide to-night. You know you have a number of things to attend to in Devon. You have to sing at that concert; you have got your new comic songs, and have been practicing them some time. And besides, you have promised the conductor to be there. If you become a Christian you cannot sing those songs! Then you have that dinner party and ball, and you are engaged seven deep in Christmas week. Put it off for a fortnight. Go and fulfil your engagements and then come back to London and become a Christian." Then Satan wound up his diabolical advice by quoting Scripture: "No man can serve two masters" (Matt. 6:24).
But that word settled Walter Wolston, who said to Satan: "You are right. You have been a bad master, and I will serve you no longer. Henceforth, Christ for me." Mr. Miller again quoted Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
"Have I only just to believe that Jesus died for me on the Cross, bearing my sins, and if I believe I am saved? Could I believe in Him still feeling nothing? Lord, I believe," sprang from his heart and from his lips, and in his own words: "I was saved on the spot." At once he confessed Christ to his friends and relations, and continued to serve the Master to the ripe age of seventy-six.
From Twice-Born Men: True Conversion Records of 100 Well-Known Men in All Ranks of Life compiled by Hy. Pickering. London: Pickering & Inglis, [193-?]
>> More W. T. P. Wolston