Wholesome Words 

Daniel B. Towner: Composer of Some Familiar Hymns
compiled by Stephen Ross, 2014

Daniel TownerDaniel Brink Towner (1850-1919) was an American Gospel music composer and teacher. In 1885, entered full-time evangelistic work and was associated with D. L. Moody, L. W. Munhall, Major D. W. Whittle and others. Music director at Moody Bible Institute from 1893 to 1919. He composed the music for the following familiar hymns:
Anywhere with Jesus (words: Jessie B. Pounds)
At Calvary (words: William R. Newell)
Grace Greater Than Our Sin (words: Julia H. Johnston)
My Anchor Holds (words: W. C. Martin)
Nor Silver, Nor Gold (words: James M. Gray)
Only a Sinner (words: James M. Gray)
Saved by the Blood (words: S. J. Henderson)
Ship Ahoy! (words: M. J. Cartwright)
Trust and Obey (words: John H. Sammis)
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