P. P. Bliss: Chronology of Events
compiled by Stephen Ross, 2010

P. P. BlissP. P. Bliss (1838-1876) was an American hymn writer and Gospel singer who wrote the words and music for such hymns as "Almost Persuaded," "Hallelujah, What a Saviour!," and "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning."
1838 Born Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, United States (July 9)
1850 Openly confessed Christ, baptized, joins a Baptist church.
1851 Works on a farm for $9 per month.
1852 Works as an assistant cook in lumber camp in Pine Creek, Pennsylvania.
Attends school as much as possible.
1856 Teaches school in Hartsville, New York.
1857 Attends Susquehanna Collegiate Institute in Towanda, Pennsylvania.
Meets William B. Bradbury at Musical Convention in Rome, Pennsylvania.
Teaches at Towner Hill schoolhouse in Rome Township, Pennsylvania.
1858 Teaches at the Academy in Rome, Pennsylvania.
1859 Marries Lucy Jane Young (June 1).
1860-63 Attends the Normal Academy of Music in Geneseo, New York.
Conducts singing schools and musical conventions in northeastern Pennsylvania and adjacent New York.
1864 His first song, Lora Vale is published by Root & Cady.
1865 Goes to Chicago, Illinois; works for Root & Cady, music publishing company.
1869 Meets Dwight L. Moody in Chicago for first time.
1870 Meets Ira D. Sankey who had joined D. L. Moody in Chicago.
Becomes choir director at First Congregational Church of Chicago.
Becomes Superintendent of the Sunday School at First Congregational.
Writes "Hold the Fort."
The Prize, music book for children containing many Bliss songs published by Root & Cady.
1871 Compiles The Charm, a collection of Sunday School music.
Writes "Almost Persuaded," "Jesus Loves Even Me" and "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning."
1872 Son Paul born in Chicago.
Compiles The Song Tree.
1873 Compiles The Joy for choirs and musical conventions.
Compiles The Sunshine for Sunday Schools.
1874 Bliss and D. W. Whittle consecrate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel in word and song (March 25th)
Son George Goodwin born in Chicago.
1875 Bliss and Sankey compile Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs.
1876 Bliss and Whittle hold evangelistic meetings in Wisconsin, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia (January to April).
Died, along with wife in train disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio (Dec. 29)

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