John Paton — Biographies and Information

John Paton John Gibson Paton (1824-1907) was a Scottish missionary to the New Hebrides. Before sailing there with his newly wed wife in 1858, he was a city missionary in Glasgow for ten years. Began work on Tanna, an island inhabited by savage cannibals; later worked on the island of Aniwa. He gave to the Aniwan people the first hymnbook in their own language and translated the New Testament into their language.

Marriage and Family:
John Paton married Mary Ann Robeson (born 1840) just before sailing to the New Hebrides in April, 1858. They were sent to establish a missionary station on the island of Tanna. On February 12, 1859, a son, named Peter Robert Robson was born, but Mrs. Paton died (age 19) on March 3rd, followed by their baby boy on March 20th.

Returning to Scotland for the first time in 1863, John Paton married Margaret Whitecross (born 1841) at Edinburgh in 1864. She was a "woman of great piety and strong character," who assisted her husband up to her death on May 16, 1905. They had two daughters and eight sons. One daughter and two sons died in infancy; one son at died at age 2 1/2. Two sons became missionaries in the New Hebrides and one daughter married a missionary there.

Recommended Books:
John G. Paton — The Autobiography of the Pioneer Missionary to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu). John G. Paton. Published by Banner of Truth, 2013.

John G. Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides. An autobiography edited by his brother James Paton. Published by Banner of Truth, 1994. ++Note: This is an earlier edition of the title above..
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