Sarah Boardman Judson — Biographies and Information

Sarah Hall Boardman Judson (1803-1845) Translator, author, hymnist and second missionary wife of Adoniram Judson. After her husband George Dana Boardman died, Sarah married Adoniram in 1834, nearly eight years after the death of Ann Judson. During eleven years of marriage, they had eight(?) children: Abby Ann (born 1835), Adoniram Brown (born 1837), Elnathan (born 1838), Henry (born 1838; died age 1 yr., 7 months), Luther (stillborn, 1841?), Henry Hall (born 1842), Charles (born 1843), Edward (born 1844). Sarah died September 1, 1845, exhausted and ill, on a ship sailing back to the United States. There is no known picture of her.
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" the glory of God."