H. A. Ironside — Biographies and Information

H A Ironside Henry (Harry) Allan Ironside (1876-1951) was an American Bible teacher, pastor, and author. Authored more than 60 volumes as well as many pamphlets and articles on Bible subjects. For 18 of his 50 years of ministry, he was pastor of the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. He is buried in Purewa Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand.
Writings: Audio Messages:

Marriage and Family:
Ironside married Helen Georgia Schofield, January 5, 1898. They had two sons: Edmund Henry (1899-1941) and John Schofield (1905-1957). Helen died, May 1, 1948.

Ironside married Ann Turner Hightower, October 9, 1949. "Harry was seventy-two years old, almost blind, and rather helpless. Ann was about twelve years younger than he," a widow with "three living children, all with families of their own." Ann died, March 8, 1978.

Recommended Books:
H. A. Ironside: Ordained of the Lord by E. Schuyler English. Published by Loizeaux Brothers, 1976.

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Unless Ye RepentUnless Ye Repent by H. A. Ironside. 2014. Originally published 1937 with title Except Ye Repent.

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