M. R. DeHaan — Information and Writings

M.R. DeHaan Martin R. DeHaan, M.D. (1891-1965) was an American Bible teacher, pastor, author, and physician. Founder of Radio Bible Class. His simple granite gravestone, testifies of that great truth which he so keenly believed and fervently broadcast around the world: ...The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven ... and the dead in Christ shall rise... 1 Thess. 4:16  PERHAPS TODAY!
Last name appears as De Haan on his gravestone and some of his writings.

In addition, he wrote numerous other booklets and the following books: The Jew and Palestine in Prophecy, Coming Events in Prophecy, Second Coming of Christ, Signs of the Times, Daniel the Prophet, Revelation, Portraits of Christ in Genesis, Genesis and Evolution, Studies in First Corinthians, Jonah—Fact or Fiction?, The Days of Noah, Simon Peter, 508 Answers to Bible Questions, Chemistry of the Blood, Pentecost and After, Law and Grace, The Tabernacle, Galatians, Dear Doctor: I Have a Problem, Romance of Redemption, Adventures in Faith, Bread for Each Day, Our Daily Bread, Broken Things, and Hebrews.

Audio Messages:
Audio Messages on the WebMP3

Recommended Book:
M. R. De Haan: The Life Behind the Voice... by James R. Adair. Published by Discovery House, 2008. Originally published with title M. R. DeHaan: The Man and His Ministry by Zondervan, ©1969. Out of print.
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